
This website is just a reference for you to get started. Feel free to change, edit, and delete anything that fits your website!

In order to better see all the tags used, you can access the code through our GitHub or go to the deployed site through this link and press "View Page Source."

  • GitHub Code
  • HTML Resources

    Explore these platforms for in-depth HTML tutorials and courses:

    Quick reference guides for HTML elements and attributes:

    HTML validation ensures that your HTML code follows the correct syntax and standards, helping to identify and fix errors in your markup.

  • HTML Validator
  • CSS Resources

    If you're looking for CSS inspiration and tips, check out the following resources:

    CSS validation checks your Cascading Style Sheets for compliance with W3C standards. It helps ensure your stylesheets are well-formed and free of errors, promoting consistent styling across different browsers.

  • CSS Validator
  • How to Host a Website Using Netlify

    If you want to host your website with Netlify, follow these steps:

    1. Create an account on Netlify (
    2. Connect your GitHub repository to Netlify
    3. Configure your build settings and deploy your site
    4. Access your live site on the provided Netlify domain